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Past Guest Speaker Information.
We intend to have a number of varied guest speakers throughout the year. We will record any information they give, on their subjects here, or links to their information.
Thursday 3rd Nov. 2022. Sara Summers from Social Prescribing came and gave a presentation on this local service.
Thursday 1st Dec. 2022. Bev Lambert of the Stroke Association gave a broad outline of the Services and Support offered by the Stroke Association.
Thursday 2nd Feb. 2023. Jessica Grey, Dietitian NHS, gave an excellent presentation and informative handout from the Stoke Association website regarding dietary suggestions for stroke survivors.
Thursday 2nd March. 2023. Alison Carter, our local Tai Chi Movements for Well Being instructor not only explained TMW but got us all involved. If this is of more interest to any of our group, see the TMW page with this website here.
Thursday 2nd March. 2023. Our second speaker but no less important was Lyn Wood from Age UK Lindsey. Lyn presented one of Age UK's most important services, helping to tackle loneliness. No, not aimed at us Stroke Survivors but at the community elderly as a whole who suffer from this recognised condition. Some of us have time and experience on our side and some with more than we need or want perhaps. So volunteering for this AGE-UK Service may just help us as well, in some way. Click here for more Lindsey AGE UK volunteering Info.
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