Unincorporated Association.
The following is our voted-for, Constitution and safeguarding statement, for our ongoing formality to assist in gaining funding.
We have started something worthwhile for us and of course for those in the future who sadly also become Stroke Survivors. They also will need somewhere local to turn to for conversation, at least.
Unincorporated Association. Our Constitution content (the hard work in all this), may appear daunting but is now accepted by the majority. We can now seek funding for permissable grants and/or local fundraising.venue costs
The various meetings mentioned within our constitution will all be incorporated within our existing "Get Togethers" and Committee members would only have marginal additional responsibilities.
Below is our formal constitution, voted for at our Inaugrial Meeting, Thursday 2nd March, by a majority (10) of the listed members, (17) with voted-in Committee members further down this page.
Our Story
All members of SSLN9 are proud to call themselves Stroke Survivors. We all have a common aim, "Not to suffer another Stroke" So SSLN9 is our story, thus far...
Formed Nov. 2022
Seeking Funding Status Mar. 2023