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Imagery Walk-About

Seeking and Finding Inspiration in Every Step and Vista

This is a new idea of Interest for all SSLN9 members and supporters, should anyone wish to take part.

If supported, this will be monthly and in addition to our standard 1st Thursday of the monthly gatherings but part of the SSLN9 Group.


As eluded to in past gatherings we need another interest other than focusing on Stroke Related issues and updates.  In the latest newsletter, I raised the stakes and put forward a date for a local walk-about that will cater to all Stroke Survivors' abilities.  The following is an extract from the May Newsletter:


Imagery Integral Group.   I am going to take this up a gear, by suggesting, subject to the weather, an outdoor get-together with photography in mind, so mobile camera’s required and something to drink.  I will provide extra equipment including drones.  The map area is attached, showing an initial gathering point at the local pool car park and a secondary pick-up point at 50 acre car park.  There is a circular route shown, the first part in red of around 1 mile, with the path we follow of compacted gravel all the way so should be ok for wheelchairs or mobility scooters.  The follow-on route for those able, around another mile, marked in green, back to the Pool car park but over a footpath through a field accessed via a “Kissing Gate” at both ends so not for wheelchairs or mobility scooters.  The ground is uneven and soft in part, hence the secondary pick up point for anyone who wishes to use it.  This is a test outing with photography and videography in mind, as well as a morning or so out and about ramble.  This is only open to SSLN9 members and supporters and subject to weather conditions forecast as favourable 2 days beforehand.  All is on public footpaths and I have permission for drone flights in most areas we travel.   Both walks are a steady 45min walk but allow an hour for each, at least. 

I would like to suggest we gather at the Local Pool area carpark,  Friday 23rd June at 0930 being an extra SSLN9 event participation day with pick up at 1045 at the 50 acre secondary pick up point and 1215 back at the local pool primary car park for those who wish to do both the red and green route.

Please indicate if of interest as this is intended as a fourth gathering event for the month of June, if of interest.


So take a look at some of the quick snaps I took on my way around the route, early this morning 6am-7am Wed. 10th May.


The only equipment required is your phone camera or stand-alone camara, I will supply the extra equipment where needed.  This is a test run out for setting the scene for our Imagery group proposal.  I hope you feel able to support it.





Feel good whilst having Fun, Interest, and Purpose

The aim, of the SSLN9 Imagery Group, is to have a collective interest.  This will be achieved through:

Photography, Videography, Drone Imagery, Editing, Film making, and more.  It can be done, fun, and productive.

Horncastle and Tattersall former operating canal lock
Horncastle Group SSLN9
Horncastle Group SSLN9
Horncastle Group SSLN9
Horncastle Group SSLN9
Horncastle Group SSLN9
Horncastle Group SSLN9
Horncastle Group SSLN9
Horncastle Group SSLN9
Horncastle Group SSLN9
Horncastle Group SSLN9
Stroke Survivors LN9

About Us

This non-medical & informal group was formed in November 2022.  The overarching aim of the group is to give local area, Stroke Survivors, the chance to meet up with other local Stroke Survivors and Carers.  Thereby giving conversation and experience exchange opportunities.

The wider aim is to provide a self-help platform and common interest to aid social confidence and interest and all the benefits that come with it.

2023 - Tony Cranwell of SSLN9 - Copyright Protected ©

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